SOS :: Security Operation Space
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24.05.2019 г.

Новітні кіберзагрози підривають можливість максимально використовувати переваги, надані інформаційно-комунікаційними технологіями. Особливого значення для суспільства сьогодні напуває надійне функціонування інформаційних ресурсів критичної інфраструктури...

Издатель: Other
04.04.2019 г.

2018 is a difficult year to summarize for Infosec. After the initial flurry of activity around Spectre and Meltdown in the beginning of January, we ended the year with global supply chain concerns brought about by the Super Micro story. Throughout the year we saw the geopolitical dilemmas of 2018 manifest in cyber security issues. Technology giants like Facebook and Google had a security reckoning. However in pure scariness the medical data breaches of MyHeritage (DNA) and MyFitnessPal (health) rank higher. The Starwood Marriot Hotel breach made every travelling executive nervous for the rest of the year, but probably not as nervous as the incident of CEO Fraud at Pathé...

Издатель: Other
04.04.2019 г.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving and expanding collection of diverse technologies that interact with the physical world. Many organizations are not necessarily aware of the large number of IoT devices they are already using and how IoT devices may affect cybersecurity and privacy risks differently than conventional information technology (IT) devices do. The purpose of this publication is to help federal agencies and other organizations better understand and manage the cybersecurity and privacy risks associated with their IoT devices throughout their lifecycles...

Издатель: NIST (США)
04.04.2019 г.

As more devices in the home connect to the internet, the cyber security of the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming a growing concern. People entrust their personal data to an increasing number of online devices and services. Products and appliances that have traditionally been offline are now becoming connected and need to be designed to withstand cyber threats...

Издатель: ETSI (Франция)
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